Keep scrolling down and looking at previous pages - we've added a lot!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

About Time!!!

There are smoe of you that are thinkinging I'm crazy, including my wife, but what a beautiful forecast!


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

We're BACK!!!!

I hope you realized we were even gone:)

Well, I've finally figured out how to outsmart Blogger and not have to pay to post pictures again - YAY!!! My sister Heidi is such a genius - she said, "just sign in under a new email address and you're good"! Duh!! So we're back and boy do I have a lot to add... again!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Cabin Fever

Way back at the end of January, we were able to go to our friends (Amy and Ken Johnson) cabin again! We had tons of fun playing - here are about a thousand pictures for you to enjoy:)

Easton didn't seem to excited to wear an awesome vintage snow suit - we LOVED it!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

in the crib...

Easton is a fan of hanging out in Brenna's crib. Brenna likes to hang out in Easton's crib. The funny thing is they are EXACTLY the same. Silly kids.

more for Nana...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What can you get for just $13.89????


 I have wanted a double stroller SO BADLY and thanks to my sister Heidi (who got one too) I was able to find out about this INSANE deal. It was brand new on Babies R Us' Ebay page - the price was ENTERED WRONG instead of $129.99 they listed it as $12.99 - OOPS!! But they honored the listed price and now I won't have to wait for Brenna as she pushes her toy stroller with her doll on our walks:) It's not the one I would have gotten if I had paid full price for one, but at this price it was a no brainer!! NOW all we need is some nicer weather!

8 Months in January!

Easton turned eight months old on January 6th. He was still 22 pounds but he now knows how to wave, give five and clap. He says "Mama" when he's sad or wants to be held. He has his two bottom TEETH, will pull himself up to standing and he can now CRAWL!! Well, he has his own version of crawling - he'll get on all fours, then stretch out on his toes with his arms straight then fling himself forward without moving his legs - it's awesome! He's very glad he figured out how to move forward instead of moving backwards cuz that just made him angry.   I'll try to post viedos of it later because I can't get ANY videos to upload right now - does this happen to anyone else on blogger???  Anyway... 
 These pictures are all of outfits my DAD wore back in the 50's when he was a baby. My brothers and all the grandsons have taken pictures in them - pretty stylish huh?
this yellow one is a new one to the bunch - my Grandma just found it with her stuff - Easton didn't know what to think of it - he thought he looked like a girl (sorry Dad). And it was the HARDEST thing to put on a baby I've ever seen - with all the buttons that thing's NEVER coming off!

 By the time I got to his "real" clothes - he had pretty much had it...

 I gave him a treat after cuz he endured a lot sweet boy!!

"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams" ~Dr. Seuss