Keep scrolling down and looking at previous pages - we've added a lot!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

1 week old


So serious with "Mommy time"

feeding time! As soon as she becomes a pro at taking a bottle, then she may be able to go home!!

Big stretch

Do you notice that she's holding onto her tubing!? So funny!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Pleased To Introduce " Baby Girl Nelson"

We are pleased to introduce "Baby Girl Nelson". She arrived yesterday, September 23, 2008, weighing an even 5 lbs, and measuring 18.5 inches long. She is a beautiful little girl. She is having a bit of a hard time breathing, she is on some oxygen and an IV. She is being fed through the IV because we want the breathing to get figured out first. We still haven't decided on a name, but we are working on it.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Our baby - another ultrasound update

Well, I just got back from the Dr. again. She did another ultrasound this morning and the fluid level is down to a 5. The crazy news is that she said she would do another nonstress test and if it came back yucky she would take the baby today! Thankfullly the test came back normal!!! So no baby today, but she said I need to go back tomorrow morning and do the same thing. So it's hurry up and wait some more I guess. The baby could come tomorrow or the next day or next week for all I know. So we're keeping our fingers crossed that everything will still be ok - thanks for all your prayers everyone!! We really appreciate them, we'll keep you all posted on how it goes tomorrwo morning!

Our Weekend

We had a crazy weekend! My Dad was here from North Dakota for a Mona Vie conference in Salt Lake Thursday- Saturday and we got together Thursady and Friday night for dinner. It was so fun to be together again!! My sister Serena insisted on taking prego belly pictures so here's me at 33 weeks.

Dad, Lydia and Ethan - the Silly Putty was a hit that night!
Dad with all the grandkids - yeah it's crazy when we're all together! I think Dad was tired!

Here's me and my sister Theresa @ 33 weeks - she's due November 2 (on her birthday and Tyson's sister Megan's birthday) I'm due the 3rd - but my due date doesn't matter anymore - who know's when we'll have this baby!
On Saturday, Tyson and I drove down to Provo for my friend Lisa's temple sealing. She's the one standing by me and she's also due November 3rd! They've been married for almost a year. It was really fun to see old friends again - sorry it was so short!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Baby ball

So I went over to my sister Heidi's house the other day to give her some zucchini. Her son Ethan (who will be 2 in November) is obsessed with playing with balls or anything that even resembles one. Well, he came up to me to say hi, noticed by round belly, pointed to it and said, "Ball!" Then he got really mad at me because he thought I was hiding one of his balls in my shirt! He started crying and kept trying to pull up my shirt to get it out! It was so funny, poor kid. You'll have to work on that one with him Heidi!!

Our Garden

Here are some pictures of our garden. It's a tiny area and half of it is our neighbors, but at least we have one! I bought the plants in June and we kept them in the little pots they came in for about two weeks. Then we, well Tyson, actually planted it the day we moved in to our house in July. So after them waiting so long to be planted and for starting so late, we didn't have much hope for anything to grow. Well - Holy Cow! We're going to have enough cantaloupe to feed the world if we needed to and our zucchini is out of control! We also have tomato, peppers, & cucumber plants. The cherry tomatoes are doing great, but the bigger ones are taking a little longer to turn red, but we've really enjoyed the "fruits" of our first garden. Maybe we need to plan a little better for next year!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I have a wonderful husband!

So Tyson knew that my Dr's appointment/shot was kind of stressful and hard for me, so he thought he would do something special for me. He usually gets off earlier than me, so he stopped at Target, bought this ladybug crib set for me and came home and made a yummy dinner! SO sweet!! I have been wanting this crib set for a long time, and it finally went on sale. It only comes with the quilt, bumper, and sheet (these pictures show their whole collection). ANYWAY - little did he know that I also stopped at Target earlier that day and I bought another crib set! It wasn't the same one, it was another cute one with birds, trees, hearts and flowers on it. I don't know why I got that one instead because I had wanted the lady bug one for so long. Well, I got home and Tyson was like "What is that!!??" Well, he waited until after dinner to pull out HIS crib set and another blanket he had bought - I felt so bad! Anyway, Tyson got to see pregnancy hormones come out again - I was so shocked I cried! I guess the emotions of the day just spilled out as I saw this sweet gesture from my husband and I felt like I had ruined it! He was so good about it though and said I could keep either one. So we set them both out on the floor and even sent pictures to my sisters to get other opinions:) Well, we decided on the lady bug one after all - it's cute and cheery. We took the other one back yesterday and ended up getting a dust ruffle for the set as well. I just wanted Tyson to know how much I love him and sorry that I make things so crazy sometimes!! Love you!

This was the picture I took with my phone to text to my sisters - they all said they liked the lady bug one too.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Ultrasound update - What next!!

I just thought I'd give another update on how things are going with this interesting pregnancy - since I feel like I'm living at the Dr's office. So far, I've had 4 non stress tests (NST's) this past week to monitor the baby's heartbeat as it moves to see how well it handles stress - the baby passed with flying colors each time, but my Dr. wants to make sure the baby's environment continues to be safe with the low fluid, so she is going to make me do these twice a week.
I had my fourth one today, which was fine, then she did another ultrasound to check the fluid level - it dropped back down inbetween a 6 and 7! (They say 10-25 or something like that is normal). She said me drinking tons of water now won't do as much as it did before since it's normal for the fluid to decrease from here on and you can't really make more this late in the game. SO, Dr. Fillerup, being the super cautious Dr. that she is, started talking about how she's not sure that I'll be able to make it to 37 weeks (full term) because she doesn't know if the fluid will last. WHAT??!! AND since the baby is still breach (head up) and the ever decreasing fluid level, we'll probably have to do a c-section because she doesn't know how well the baby will take the labor :(
OK, now I was freaked out and of course started crying - she has a tendency to make me to that lately. She still said she was just letting me know that she was still being cautious and letting me know what she was thinking. She also said that since I'm 32 weeks now, she would suggest that I get a steroid shot twice this week to help the baby's lungs develop sooner just in case we have to go early (I guess you have to do it before you're 34 weeks or it won't help). OK - freaked out more!! (sorry by the way if I'm not explaining this very well, you can call me for a better version of the story since I feel like I'm rambling here). Anyway, we had a long discussion on the benefits and risks of the shot, which made me feel a ton better and more willing to get it if she said I needed it. She said after 14 years of doing her job, she has not seen any bad things happen because of it - she said she's actually noticed that it ends up being better for the baby's health in the long run. Basically, she's doing everything she can to keep the baby out of intensive care if it comes early. She said her goal is for the baby to come home with me - which I agree with! Anyway, I called Tyson and we talked about it and both felt pretty good about getting it and I actually think I'd feel guilty not getting it. So I went back to the clinic and got a really Painful shot in my bottom - and I have to get another one in the morning - now I know why kids cry when they get their shots - ouch!!
So, we're praying that this helps - we're willing to do whatever it takes for her to come healthy. Some really random news is that girl babies usually handle situations like this better than boys - who knew? I guess we're lucky it's a girl! I actually feel better now too that I ran into a random lady in Target's baby section that said she got the shot with all 5 of her kids because they came early and they're all healthy - she said the shot saved their lives and her girls always did better than her boys. That was so good to hear - it's amazing how I felt more comforted by having talked to a totally random stranger.
So, the plan as of now is one more shot tomorrow and NST's twice a week with ultrasounds. Then probably go early (hopefully not before 37 weeks) with a c-section - fun huh? I'm so thankful that we're double covered with our insurance!! I'm also so thankful for our Dr. and how she's watching out for us - I guess I'd rather her be as honest as possible. Also, I'm thankful for our loving Heavenly Father helping comfort us and keeping our baby so safe.
"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams" ~Dr. Seuss